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9. Input devices

This week I learned about diffent kinds of input devices and how to use them.

General specifications

For my final project I want to use a joystick to make a selection. The joystick module which I use has two analog, one digital and a Vcc and GND pin. The x and y values of the joystick are generated by a potentiometer for each axis which generates an analoge signal. To test the joystick connection I used the following code.

Code Explaination

I used the serial output for the FTDI cable again, so I can read the measured value of the joystick input. Since I need two analoge input siganls, I use the analoge pins “A0” for the x value and “A1” for thy y value.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define ANALOG_X A0
#define ANALOG_Y A1
#define BUTTON_PIN A2

SoftwareSerial mySerial(3,4); //RX;TX
int buttonState;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  pinMode(ANALOG_X, INPUT);
  pinMode(ANALOG_Y, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(BUTTON_PIN, HIGH);
  mySerial.begin(4800); // BAUD rate should not be more than 4800


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

   // if the button of the joystick is pressed, print a note in the serail mointor and pause // the input reading for 2 seconds
    mySerial.println("Button was pressed");


  // readout the values of the analoge pins
  int xValue = analogRead(ANALOG_X);
  int yValue = analogRead(ANALOG_Y);

  // write the x and y values into the serial monitor
  mySerial.print("x Value: ");
  mySerial.print("  y Value: ");


Here you can see the connections for the joystick:



And the values of the serail monitor:
